Our Commitment to Our Patients – What Matters Most
Many experts in the medical field have come to the realization that patients know best how well their health providers are meeting their needs, and it is the patient’s view of his or her health care delivery that correlates with outcome or satisfaction. Studies have shown that a patient who has had a positive experience with their care from a physician, namely a surgical procedure, may, in fact, have better recovery from their discomfort and concern, better emotional health later on, and the need for fewer diagnostic tests and referrals. The same phenomenon can be seen with studies of physician empathy. , A powerful philosophy in this regard is realizing the difference between “what is the matter” with patients, to “what matters” to patients.
Additionally, studies have also shown that a positive relationship and feeling of a partnership between a patient and his/her doctor led to patients who were more satisfied, more enabled, had better compliance, a lower symptom burden, with lower rates of further referrals in their care. These interesting studies also determined that tests and prescription medications were not the most common expectations of patients; instead, they were more interested in information on their diagnosis and prognosis. In fact, failure of physicians to address diagnosis and prognosis was the most common cause of unmet patient expectations, and patients who received adequate information on diagnosis and prognosis experienced better symptom relief . and functional outcomes, and a feeling of being active in the management of their medical problems.
Dr. Daniel Burchfield, Dr. Judah Pifer, and Dr. Bradley Williams of Orthopaedic Specialists of Central Arizona look forward to helping the members of our communities with their orthopaedic medical care and strive to make a difference in “what matters” to patients and their tre?tment. Our physicians are all Board-certified, Fellowship-trained with specialties in reconstructive/arthroscopic surgery and sports medicine.